The Locations

Hello explorers!
Today we’ll delve into some of the locations of ITR2.

Let’s start with the world structure.

In ITR1 there were separate locations linked by pathways. They were of different sizes, and would gradually interconnect with increase in difficulty and time spent in the Radius. The player could find additional pathways and move more freely between these areas.

In ITR2 the general structure remains unchanged. The world is separated into multiple locations, each connected by pathways. There won’t be a complete open world. These locations can be separated into three types - general, “satellite”, and special.

General locations - massive areas. Bigger than any location in ITR1 2.0, but smaller than the open world map of ITR1 1.0. These areas will consist of multiple points of interest. Our explorers are familiar with the play patterns in such locations - finding artifacts, collecting loot, killing monsters, completing missions, etc.

“Satellite” locations - smaller areas. They are meant for unique main events that contain new mechanics, heavy lore/story beats, or special conditions. The first time you visit such a location, it’s strictly story/main mission focused. However, after completing said event you’ll be able to return here. It’ll become similar to a “general” location with loot, missions, monsters, the Tide, and etc.

“Special” locations - smaller areas as well, but with a unique role in ITR2. For example one of them is your Base. A place where you can relax and get ready for your next venture. Another example is the Tutorial area. Here our explorers will learn general mechanics, tools, and abilities of the game, similar to ITR1.

As mentioned above, these locations will be connected by pathways. Some will unlock immediately, others after some time. You won’t be able to travel from the starting area to the end in one go. New locations will be more difficult than previous ones. However, older locations will evolve along with the player’s progression more so for the sake of variety rather than just difficulty like during auto-leveling.

Time to mention an important addition - jumping! This opens up new ways to explore the world, and gives us a new way to bring more gameplay variety. Jumping in VR can be an unpleasant mechanic, so we’re trying our best to make it comfortable.

Walking, sprinting, crouching - are all present and for the most part untouched. Climbing has also remained in ITR2 and will get some improvements. Please keep in mind the game still isn’t about parkour, don’t expect leaps of faith into a haystack.

Considering all of these movements mechanics, we’ve revised our approach to location design. We’re already adding more areas where players are required to climb, jump, or crouch. Climbable zones will be visually distinct, so that players can easier identify if it’s even possible in a given area. We’re also trying to make our locations more prominent than in ITR1, adding more variety and diversity to these areas as a result.

In our first versions of Early Access you can expect one General location, one “Satellite”, the Base and Tutorial areas. Important to note that these locations will still be a work in progress and subject to change during EA.

We’ve got more Dev Diaries coming very soon. Thanks for reading and see you in the Radius!


