The Guns

Hello explorers!
Guns are one of the most important elements of Into the Radius. They are a part of your overall progression, an instrument for different styles of combat, a collection piece, and even a form of self-expression.

In ITR2 guns, as a whole, will consist of the following:

  • Functionality and visuals

  • Technical systems

  • Upgrades

  • Attachments

  • Cleaning

  • Sounds

Functionality and Visuals

In ITR2 we’ll try our best to have the guns be as close to their realistic counterparts as possible.
One of our team members is purely focused on the development of guns. This helps us greatly increase the detail of weapon functionality, add new animations, and better the quality of the visuals.
Now every single gun is created from scratch. This has made the process more difficult, but it lets us develop these weapons how we want to.

Technical Systems

This includes ballistics, recoil, gun and ammo parameters, surface penetration, etc. There’s a lot of changes, and quite different too. We’ll touch upon the finer details in future Dev Diary entries. The most important parts we’d like to point out now are the changes to recoil and an overhaul of the parameters system.
Recoil is more complex than before, which will help us make each gun feel more unique. As for gun and ammo parameters, there’s going to be more of them. For example, ammo will now have a greater impact on your weapon - affecting aim, damage, recoil, durability, and so on.


In ITR1 the player could change their gun’s stats through the upgrade system and add attachments.
ITR2 will follow the same upgrade process, but will have a wider number of options. Currently we’re working on 3 upgrade branches, let’s take a closer look.

Changing gun parameters
This is similar to ITR1 - decreasing recoil, adjusting rate of fire, increasing reliability, etc.

Changing gun parts
This will let you change gun stats, mechanics, and/or add new attachment points. Players will be able to change the forend from a regular to a tactical one, which will have more attachment points. Or change their pistol handle to a tactical one, decreasing recoil. Players will also be able to switch the stock of certain guns, completely changing their reloads, replacing the internal chamber with external detachable magazines.

Gun color patterns
Patterns will unlock as you progress through the game. They’ll apply to your fire-arm instantly (no manual coloring/painting). You’ll be able to color your attachments and magazines as well, separately or along with your gun.

We hope this upgrade system will let our players configure and customize their favorite guns as deeply as possible.


Another important aspect of your gun. We know you want more of them, so do we!
Apart from increasing the variety of possible attachments, we’ll also add special ones, that let you add attachments on themselves. E.g, a Picatinny rail at a 45 degree angle, a mount with multiple Picatinny rails, a scope with a Picatinny rail on top, etc. This will allow you to create some pretty weird combination of attachments. But to help balance this much freedom, your gun parameters will be affected.


Here, for the most part, everything remains the same. We’ll update the visuals of this process, as well as rework some cleaning instruments. Instead of paper towels there’ll be special brushes. Over time your cleaning instruments will break, so you’ll have to replace them. No more toilet paper pyramids!


It’s important to us that the guns sound authentic. In ITR2 we’re using the MetaSounds system, which helps make the sounds more complex and of a higher quality.

Taking everything we mentioned above into account, it’s clear that the process of developing guns has certainly become harder. At Early Access launch there will be 3 guns available, with more to come during development of course. Currently our plan for full release is to have 16 guns chambered in 9 different calibers. This is less than in ITR1. But thanks to all these new mechanics and features, we hope you’ll gain a lot more enjoyment from using every single gun.

Please note that at the start of Early Access not all of these features will be present.

During Early Access we aim to lay the proper foundation and groundwork for these systems (thanks to your feedback), to be able to more easily implement content in the future.

See you in the Radius!


